Newsletters 2024

- Note from the Chairs
- News and upcoming events
- Key Fish Species Identification in Central Asian Mountain Rivers for the Environmental Impact Assessment of Intensified Hydropower by Bakhtiyor Karimov et al
- The Role of Conservation Aquaculture in the Recovery of an Endangered Arctic Char Population in Llyn Padarn, N. Wales by John Taylor
- Cooperation is the key to the future of northern platyfish in Mexico by Markéta Rejlková
- The status of fish from the type localities in unique Melaleuca cajuputi swamp forest by Mohamad Aqmal-Naser and Amirrudin Ahmad
- Museums build Better Barcode Libraries by Evan W. Hessels and Nathan K. Lujan
- A leap forward for Turkish Freshwater Fish: the recent IUCN Assessment by Mahir Kanyılmaz
- The freshwater fish flagship species of the “Vietnamazing” EAZA Conservation Campaign 2025 by T. Ziegler et al
- Callout for more submissions
Newsletters 2023

- FFSG Website Update
- What’s New
- Congratulations to Professor Rajeev Raghavan!
- Bioinventory in high gear: DNA barcoding of types and topotypes to advance
- biodiscovery and taxonomy of southern Africa’s freshwater fish fauna by Albert Chakona
- Uncovering Fish Biodiversity in the Greater Amazon, the genus Rhinotocinclus by Roberto E. Reis and Pablo Lehmann
- Beyond the global Mexican freshwater fish assessment by Topiltzin Contreras
Newsletters 2017

- Message from the FFSG Global Chair
- Update on Regional Chairs, Special Advisors, Steering Committee members ….
- Presentations on Freshwater Conservation to Leaders of Chinese Philanthropic Organizations, March 6, 2017
- Celebrate World Fish Migration Day, on April 21, 2018
- Are You publishing Descriptions of New Species? – then read this
- Sports Stadium moved for an Endangered Loach, but Conservation Concerns still Remain – a Report from Japan
- Call for Knowledge Development and Dissemination on Migratory Fishes in Africa
- An Update on the Status of Autochthonous Freshwater Fishes in Tunisian Reservoirs
- Wonders of the Mekong: a New Mekong Project led by FFSG Steering Committee Member, Dr. Zeb Hogan
- Reinstatement of the Brazilian List of Endangered Aquatic Species
- Trip of a Lifetime, to the Amazon and the Rio Negro Fishery
- To Manage Inland Fisheries is to Manage at the Social-Ecological Watershed Scale

- Message from the FFSG Global Chair
- Regional Chairs, Special Advisors, Steering Committee Members…
- FFSG Member Issah Seidu receives MBZ Funding
- FFSG Subgroup Chair Scott Dowd nominated for 2018 Indianapolis Prize …
- FFSG at the 2017 European Union of Aquarium Curators
- Red List Assessments – and ‘Inferring Extinctions’
- Charismatic Freshwater Megafauna
- Areas of Conservation Connectivity
- Rainforest Trust – Freshwater Sites for Protected Areas
- Tigerfish Monitoring in the Kavango River, Namibia
- The National Geographic Okavango Wilderness Project – An Adventurous Trail of Discovery
- Exotic vs. Native Species Conservation: An Old Dilemma at the South of the World
- Fish Taxonomy Training in Bhutan
- A World Bank Project on Sustainable Hydropower Development in the Kingdom of Bhutan
- Summary of the American Fisheries Society Symposium on Inland Fisheries
- Summary of the Alliance for Freshwater Life Meeting, Berlin, 9-11 October
- Journal of Fish Biology: Special Issue on Biology and Ecology of African Freshwater Fishes
- IUCN One Programme Strategy for Freshwater Biodiversity Conservation
Newsletters 2016

- Message from the FFSG Global Chair
- In Memoriam: Richard P. Vari
- FFSG Steering Committee gives Ted x talks
- Sundaic Freshwater Fish IUCN Red List Workshop
- FFSG at the North East Council of Aquarium Societies
- World Fish Migration Day, May 21, 2016
- Fisheries and aquaculture research in Kazakhstan
- FFSG Member for Central Asia, Dr. Serik Timirkhanov receives award for work on Sturgeon
- The Great Maya Aquifer Project
- Conservation of Salmo cettii and Anguilla Anguilla: different needs and perspectives in Sardinia, Italy
- Assessing the status of a recently discovered endemism from the floodplains of the lower Tagus River (western Iberian Peninsula)
- Fish passes developed into the context of the LIFE+ SEGURA RIVERLINK project
- Population status of freshwater fish in Tunisian reservoirs
- Project Fartet, Barcelona (2007-2013): a case of conflicting interests
- Fishy Shades of Grey: The weird & wonderful Sundaic Freshwater Fishes
- Positive effects of biodiversity on inland capture fishery yields
- Videos of CEPF Western Ghats Program

- Message from the FFSG Global Chair
- 2016 Living Planet Report published: an urgent call to action for Freshwater Biodiversity
- Welcoming a new SSC Chair
- SSC Membership Renewal
- New Publication – The Status and Distribution of Freshwater Biodiversity in the Tropical Andes
- Supplement Issue on Freshwater Protected Areas in a Rapidly Changing World
- FFSG Input to Projects on Lost Species and Protected Areas
- World Fish Migration Day, May 21, 2016
- Proposed Construction of 20 New Dams threatens Newly Discovered Biodiversity in Northern Peru’s Marañon River
- Never too Young to learn
- IUCN Water/IUCN Species Freshwater Dialogue Series at the 2016 World Conservation Congress, Hawai’i
- A Late Motion on Freshwater submitted at World Conservation Congress, Hawai’i
Newsletters 2015

- Message from the FFSG Global Chair
- FFSG represented at Citizen Science conference 2015
- Passing of Freshwater Fish Legend Rosemary Lowe-McConnell
- FFSG welcomes two new Regional Co-Chairs
- FFSG Members co-author WCPA Book on Protected Area Governance and Management
- HAFSG Chair leads Expedition to study Brazilian Ornamental Fisheries
- New Paper on the Huchen Hucho hucho in the Balkan Region
- Monster Fish Exhibit launches at National Geographic Museum
- Conservation on California’s Endangered Freshwater Fish Fauna
- Water and Wetlands in the Eastern Mediterranean – Critical for People and Biodiversity
- Nandus nandus – going toward Extirpation
- Searching for Cave Fish in Turkmenistan
- The Golden Barb of Golden Dwarf Barb – an ideal Aquarium Fish with Commercial Importance to Fisheries
- Sate of Wetland Biodiversity in the Mekong Basin
- Battle for Endemism

- Message from the FFSG Global Chair
- Gordon McGregor Reid – 2015 LeCren medalist of the Fisheries Society of the British Isles
- New Publication – History of Zoos and Aquariums: From Royal Gifts to Biodiversity Conservation
- Vishwanath Waikhom Receives the EK Janaki Ammal National Award for Taxonomy
- Steven Cooke Receives the NSERC E.W.R. Steacie Fellowship
- FFSG Welcomes Two New Regional Co-Chairs
- HAFSG Chair Leads Strategic Development Meeting at Aquarama 2015
- New Publication – The Status and Distribution of Freshwater Biodiversity in the Arabian Peninsula
- Endangered Native Fishes Re-colonize a South African River After the Removal of Smallmouth Bass
- Hidden In a Lost Swamp
- Between A Rock and A Hard Place: The Plight of the Border Barb
- Freshwater Fishes and Lampreys of Greece: A Brand New Annotated checklist
- Wetland International Releases Its 10-year Strategy to Safeguard and Restore Wetlands
- Successful reintroduction of the “Carpita de Morelos” Notropis boucardi in Chapultepec preotected area in Morelos, Mexico
- Red List Assessment of the Freshwater Fishes of the Arabian Peninsula
Newsletters 2014

- Message from the FFSG Global Chair
- Welcome to the new Global Chair, Dr Richard Schneider
- Changes to the FFSG Secretariat
- Professor Gordon McGregor Reid awarded the IUCN SC Chair’s Citation of Excellence
- New Global Freshwater Fish BioBlitz to monitor Fish Species with the help of “Citizen Scientists”
- Introducing FFSG Regions: South America
- IUCN Red List Assessments of Freshwater Fishes of the Tropical Andes
- Brazilian Action Plans for Freshwater Fishes
- UK’s Rarest Freshwater Fish “reappears”
- In Search of the Mangarahara Cichlid
- A Community-Led Fish Sanctuary Initiative on Hainan Island, China
- Killifishes on the Edge
- What to do if there is no more Water? Conservation of Aphanius sirhani, the Azraq Killifish
- Tilting at Windmills: Conservation of Valencia hispanica
- A Critically Endangered Freshwater Fish Species of North Africa likely to be Extinct in the Wild
- Aphanius farsicus might be Extinct in the Wild
- Conservation action for the Aci Göl toothcarp, Aphanius transgrediens
- Southern African tigerfish population learns to actively predate on swallows on the wing
- Tackling giants: getting the most out of working groups for freshwater fish conservation

- Message from the FFSG Global Chair
- Changes to the Secretariat
- Zoological Society of London supports the FFSG
- Publication of the ASSG IUCN Red List Assessments: The First Step towards the Coordinated, International Conservation of Freshwater Eels
- World Fish Migration Day Follow-Up
- NatureServe becomes Partner in Flogal Freshwater Bioblitz
- Assessing the Vulnerability of Freshwater Fishes to Climate Change
- Halting the Loss of Biodiversity – the Huchen in the Danube
- Almost all Freshwater Fish Species of the Mediterranean Biodiversity Hotspot barcoded
- New Valencia from Greece: Likely to be Critically Endangered and a High Ranked EDGE Species
- Back from the Dead – Acanthobrama talvivensis returns to Nature
- Updates from Manipur: The International Symposium on River Biodiversity

- Message from the FFSG Global Chair
- FFSG welcomes New Region
- FFSG 2013 Annual Report now available
- The River Bank Fundraising Project
- Bridging Biodiversity and Ecosystems Focus to New Book
- South Asian Regional Update
- Aquarium Fishes of the Rio Negro gain “Geographic Indication” Status
- UN Watercourse Convention
- Native Fishes of the Colorado River
- Hill Stream Fishes of Chindwin Headwaters in Northeastern India – New Discoveries and their Fate
- Conservation Milestone reaches in Asian Taimen Conservation
- CMS Science Council Meeting
- The Status of Eels in Japan
- Evaluating the Ecological, Economic and Cultural Services provided by Freshwater Fishes in Centra Kalimantan, Indonesia
- The Debate surrounding Dam Destruction: A Review of the Searsville Dam of Stanford, California
Newsletters 2013

- FFSG Programme Officer Temporary Personnel Change
- FFSG Annual Meeting 2014
- Introducing FFSG Regions: Southwest Asia
- Iraqi Endemic Cave Fishes on the very Edge: Typhlogarra widdowsoni and Caecocypris basimi
- Positive Steps for Conservation of the Vendace (Coregonus albula), the UK’s rarest Freshwater Fish
- From Sea to Source – An International Movement for the Restoration of Fish Migratory Highways
- A European Hotspot Biodiversity – from CR to Extinct in the Wild
- Freshwater Fish Assessments planned for Peru

- Message from the FFSG Global Chair
- Save the Date: FFSG Annual Meeting 2014
- WANTED: High Quality Images for FFSG Website
- Bridging the Gap: Engaging the Public in Freshwater Fish Conservation
- Introducing FFSG Regions: Southern Africa
- Fiji Freshwater Fish graces new 1—Dollar Bill: Bringing Freshwater Fish into the Popular Consciousness
- Activities of the South Asia Office of the Freshwater Fish Specialist Group (September 2012 to April 2013)
- Towards an “Exotic Fish” free Periyar Tiger Reserve
- New Fish Species described in 2012-2013 from South Asia
- First Comprehensive Red List Workshop for all Freshwater Fishes of the Middle East
- Kinabatangan River Spirit Initiative, Malaysia

- Message from the FFSG Global Chair
- Thank you to Gordon McGregor Reid: A Colleague, a Leader, a Friend
- Online now: New FFSG Website
- Clarifying the IUCN Red List Review Process for Freshwater Fishes
- Introducing the FFSG European Region
- IUCN Red List Workshop for Freshwater Eels
- Queensland’s Endangered Gobies
- Conservation of Threatened Endemic Fish Species of the Cape Floristic Region Biodiversity Hotspot
- Drafting IUCN Red List Assessments for Iranian Freshwater Fishes
- World Fish Migration Day 2014
Newsletters 2012

- Freshwater Fish Specialist Group Meeting
- Freshwater Fish Specialist Group represented at IUCN SS Chairs’ meeting
- Second Workshop for Evaluation of Extinction Risk of Brazilian Freshwater Fishes
- IUCN Anguillid Specialist Sub-Group
- Welcome and Goodbye

- The IUCN World Conservation Congress: End of 2009-2012 Quadrennium
- Beginning of New Quadrennium 2013-1016: Appointment of New Regional Chairs
- Introducing FFSG Regions: South Asia
- An Award for a Distinguished FFSG Member : Prof Paul Skelton
- Priceless or Worthless includes Five Freshwater Fish!
- Tiny Fish, Big Trouble: Australia’s Red-finned Blue-eye battles for Survival
- Historic Meeting held on the Danube Salmon (Hucho hucho): The Largest Salmon in the World
- Reintroduction of the European Catfish (Silurus glanis)
Newsletters 2008

- First FFSG Programme Officer
- Report of the 2008 Annual FFSG meeting
- Plans for FFSG Website
- FFSG image library
- Gordon dives with sharks!
- Launch of WWF / Nature Conservancy Freshwater Ecoregions of the World
- International Conference “Managing Alien Species for Sustainable Development of Aquaculture and Fisheries
- Future FFSG newsletter contributions

- Assessment of freshwater fish diversity and ecology: Azerbaijan-Russian joint expedition 2008
- Central African freshwater fish biodiversity workshop
- Cryopreservation and cryo-banking of somatic cells, gametes and embryos of fish
- In the news – British angler catches rare giant freshwater stingray
- Waternetwork – a contact tool for water professionals
- Expo2008 – the World’s biggest water festival