
Newsletters 2024

FFSG Spring Newsletter 2024 Cover. Banner is a small, dark, irridescent fish with an apparently continuous fin around the body and tail, striped in greens, black and blue. It is Parosphromenus alfredi by Wentian Shi

Spring 2024 (PDF 15 MB)

  • Note from the Chairs
  • News and upcoming events
  • Key Fish Species Identification in Central Asian Mountain Rivers for the Environmental Impact Assessment of Intensified Hydropower by Bakhtiyor Karimov et al
  • The Role of Conservation Aquaculture in the Recovery of an Endangered Arctic Char Population in Llyn Padarn, N. Wales by  John Taylor
  • Cooperation is the key to the future of northern platyfish in Mexico by Markéta Rejlková
  • The status of fish from the type localities in unique Melaleuca cajuputi swamp forest by Mohamad Aqmal-Naser and Amirrudin Ahmad
  • Museums build Better Barcode Libraries by Evan W. Hessels and Nathan K. Lujan
  • A leap forward for Turkish Freshwater Fish: the recent IUCN Assessment by Mahir Kanyılmaz
  • The freshwater fish flagship species of the “Vietnamazing” EAZA Conservation Campaign 2025 by  T. Ziegler et al
  • Callout for more submissions

Newsletters 2023

Cover of 2023 Newsletter: a photo of a stripy flat fish on wood in an aquarium: Sewellia lineolata, by Kathy Hughes. Image is overlaid by the logos of the IUCN, SSC and FFSG. Legend is Newsletter of the IUCN Freshwater Fish Specialist Group 2023 Issue 1.

May 2023 (PDF 5 MB)

  • FFSG Website Update
  • What’s New
  • Congratulations to Professor Rajeev Raghavan!
  • Bioinventory in high gear: DNA barcoding of types and topotypes to advance
  • biodiscovery and taxonomy of southern Africa’s freshwater fish fauna by Albert Chakona
  • Uncovering Fish Biodiversity in the Greater Amazon, the genus Rhinotocinclus by Roberto E. Reis and Pablo Lehmann
  • Beyond the global Mexican freshwater fish assessment by Topiltzin Contreras

Newsletters 2017

Cover of May 2017 FFSG Newsletter

May 2017 (PDF 5 MB)

  • Message from the FFSG Global Chair
  • Update on Regional Chairs, Special Advisors, Steering Committee members ….
  • Presentations on Freshwater Conservation to Leaders of Chinese Philanthropic Organizations, March 6, 2017
  • Celebrate World Fish Migration Day, on April 21, 2018
  • Are You publishing Descriptions of New Species? – then read this
  • Sports Stadium moved for an Endangered Loach, but Conservation Concerns still Remain – a Report from Japan
  •  Call for Knowledge Development and Dissemination on Migratory Fishes in Africa
  • An Update on the Status of Autochthonous Freshwater Fishes in Tunisian Reservoirs
  • Wonders of the Mekong: a New Mekong Project led by FFSG Steering Committee Member, Dr. Zeb Hogan
  • Reinstatement of the Brazilian List of Endangered Aquatic Species
  • Trip of a Lifetime, to the Amazon and the Rio Negro Fishery
  • To Manage Inland Fisheries is to Manage at the Social-Ecological Watershed Scale

Cover of October 2017 FFSG Newsletter

October 2017 (PDF 5 MB)

  • Message from the FFSG Global Chair
  • Regional Chairs, Special Advisors, Steering Committee Members…
  • FFSG Member Issah Seidu receives MBZ Funding
  • FFSG Subgroup Chair Scott Dowd nominated for 2018 Indianapolis Prize …
  • FFSG at the 2017 European Union of Aquarium Curators
  • Red List Assessments – and ‘Inferring Extinctions’
  • Charismatic Freshwater Megafauna
  • Areas of Conservation Connectivity
  • Rainforest Trust – Freshwater Sites for Protected Areas
  • Tigerfish Monitoring in the Kavango River, Namibia
  • The National Geographic Okavango Wilderness Project – An Adventurous Trail of Discovery
  • Exotic vs. Native Species Conservation: An Old Dilemma at the South of the World
  • Fish Taxonomy Training in Bhutan
  • A World Bank Project on Sustainable Hydropower Development in the Kingdom of Bhutan
  • Summary of the American Fisheries Society Symposium on Inland Fisheries
  • Summary of the Alliance for Freshwater Life Meeting, Berlin, 9-11 October
  • Journal of Fish Biology: Special Issue on Biology and Ecology of African Freshwater Fishes
  • IUCN One Programme Strategy for Freshwater Biodiversity Conservation
Newsletters 2016

Cover of May 2016 FFSG Newsletter

May 2016 (PDF 2.5 MB)

  • Message from the FFSG Global Chair
  • In Memoriam: Richard P. Vari
  • FFSG Steering Committee gives Ted x talks
  • Sundaic Freshwater Fish IUCN Red List Workshop
  • FFSG at the North East Council of Aquarium Societies
  • World Fish Migration Day, May 21, 2016
  • Fisheries and aquaculture research in Kazakhstan
  • FFSG Member for Central Asia, Dr. Serik Timirkhanov receives award for work on Sturgeon
  • The Great Maya Aquifer Project
  • Conservation of Salmo cettii and Anguilla Anguilla: different needs and perspectives in Sardinia, Italy
  • Assessing the status of a recently discovered endemism from the floodplains of the lower Tagus River (western Iberian Peninsula)
  • Fish passes developed into the context of the LIFE+ SEGURA RIVERLINK project
  • Population status of freshwater fish in Tunisian reservoirs
  • Project Fartet, Barcelona (2007-2013): a case of conflicting interests
  • Fishy Shades of Grey: The weird & wonderful Sundaic Freshwater Fishes
  • Positive effects of biodiversity on inland capture fishery yields
  • Videos of CEPF Western Ghats Program

Cover of October 2016 FFSG Newsletter

October 2016 (PDF 2.5 MB)

  • Message from the FFSG Global Chair
  • 2016 Living Planet Report published: an urgent call to action for Freshwater Biodiversity
  • Welcoming a new SSC Chair
  • SSC Membership Renewal
  • New Publication – The Status and Distribution of Freshwater Biodiversity in the Tropical Andes
  • Supplement Issue on Freshwater Protected Areas in a Rapidly Changing World
  • FFSG Input to Projects on Lost Species and Protected Areas
  • World Fish Migration Day, May 21, 2016
  • Proposed Construction of 20 New Dams threatens Newly Discovered Biodiversity in Northern Peru’s Marañon River
  • Never too Young to learn
  • IUCN Water/IUCN Species Freshwater Dialogue Series at the 2016 World Conservation Congress, Hawai’i
  • A Late Motion on Freshwater submitted at World Conservation Congress, Hawai’i
Newsletters 2015

March 2015 (PDF 4.9 MB)

  • Message from the FFSG Global Chair
  • FFSG represented at Citizen Science conference 2015
  • Passing of Freshwater Fish Legend Rosemary Lowe-McConnell
  • FFSG welcomes two new Regional Co-Chairs
  • FFSG Members co-author WCPA Book on Protected Area Governance and Management
  • HAFSG Chair leads Expedition to study Brazilian Ornamental Fisheries
  • New Paper on the Huchen Hucho hucho in the Balkan Region
  • Monster Fish Exhibit launches at National Geographic Museum
  • Conservation on California’s Endangered Freshwater Fish Fauna
  • Water and Wetlands in the Eastern Mediterranean – Critical for People and Biodiversity
  • Nandus nandus – going toward Extirpation
  • Searching for Cave Fish in Turkmenistan
  • The Golden Barb of Golden Dwarf Barb – an ideal Aquarium Fish with Commercial Importance to Fisheries
  • Sate of Wetland Biodiversity in the Mekong Basin
  • Battle for Endemism

FFSG Newsletter August 2015 Cover

August 2015 (PDF 5.3 MB)

  • Message from the FFSG Global Chair
  • Gordon McGregor Reid – 2015 LeCren medalist of the Fisheries Society of the British Isles
  • New Publication – History of Zoos and Aquariums: From Royal Gifts to Biodiversity Conservation
  • Vishwanath Waikhom Receives the EK Janaki Ammal National Award for Taxonomy
  • Steven Cooke Receives the NSERC E.W.R. Steacie Fellowship
  • FFSG Welcomes Two New Regional Co-Chairs
  • HAFSG Chair Leads Strategic Development Meeting at Aquarama 2015
  • New Publication – The Status and Distribution of Freshwater Biodiversity in the Arabian Peninsula
  • Endangered Native Fishes Re-colonize a South African River After the Removal of Smallmouth Bass
  • Hidden In a Lost Swamp
  • Between A Rock and A Hard Place: The Plight of the Border Barb
  • Freshwater Fishes and Lampreys of Greece: A Brand New Annotated checklist
  • Wetland International Releases Its 10-year Strategy to Safeguard and Restore Wetlands
  • Successful reintroduction of the “Carpita de Morelos” Notropis boucardi in Chapultepec preotected area in Morelos, Mexico
  • Red List Assessment of the Freshwater Fishes of the Arabian Peninsula

Newsletters 2014
FFSG Newsletter March 2014 Cover

March 2014 (PDF 32 MB)

  • Message from the FFSG Global Chair
  • Welcome to the new Global Chair, Dr Richard Schneider
  • Changes to the FFSG Secretariat
  • Professor Gordon McGregor Reid awarded the IUCN SC Chair’s Citation of Excellence
  • New Global Freshwater Fish BioBlitz to monitor Fish Species with the help of “Citizen Scientists”
  • Introducing FFSG Regions: South America
  • IUCN Red List Assessments of Freshwater Fishes of the Tropical Andes
  • Brazilian Action Plans for Freshwater Fishes
  • UK’s Rarest Freshwater Fish “reappears”
  • In Search of the Mangarahara Cichlid
  • A Community-Led Fish Sanctuary Initiative on Hainan Island, China
  • Killifishes on the Edge
  • What to do if there is no more Water? Conservation of Aphanius sirhani, the Azraq Killifish
  • Tilting at Windmills: Conservation of Valencia hispanica
  • A Critically Endangered Freshwater Fish Species of North Africa likely to be Extinct in the Wild
  • Aphanius farsicus might be Extinct in the Wild
  • Conservation action for the Aci Göl toothcarp, Aphanius transgrediens
  • Southern African tigerfish population learns to actively predate on swallows on the wing
  • Tackling giants: getting the most out of working groups for freshwater fish conservation

FFSG Newsletter cover June 2014

June 2014 (PDF 1.2 MB)

  • Message from the FFSG Global Chair
  • Changes to the Secretariat
  • Zoological Society of London supports the FFSG
  • Publication of the ASSG IUCN Red List Assessments: The First Step towards the Coordinated, International Conservation of Freshwater Eels
  • World Fish Migration Day Follow-Up
  • NatureServe becomes Partner in Flogal Freshwater Bioblitz
  • Assessing the Vulnerability of Freshwater Fishes to Climate Change
  • Halting the Loss of Biodiversity – the Huchen in the Danube
  • Almost all Freshwater Fish Species of the Mediterranean Biodiversity Hotspot barcoded
  • New Valencia from Greece: Likely to be Critically Endangered and a High Ranked EDGE Species
  • Back from the Dead – Acanthobrama talvivensis returns to Nature
  • Updates from Manipur: The International Symposium on River Biodiversity

Cover of the September 2014 FFSG Newsletter

September 2014 (PDF 7.6 MB)

  • Message from the FFSG Global Chair
  • FFSG welcomes New Region
  • FFSG 2013 Annual Report now available
  • The River Bank Fundraising Project
  • Bridging Biodiversity and Ecosystems Focus to New Book
  • South Asian Regional Update
  • Aquarium Fishes of the Rio Negro gain “Geographic Indication” Status
  • UN Watercourse Convention
  • Native Fishes of the Colorado River
  • Hill Stream Fishes of Chindwin Headwaters in Northeastern India – New Discoveries and their Fate
  • Conservation Milestone reaches in Asian Taimen Conservation
  • CMS Science Council Meeting
  • The Status of Eels in Japan
  • Evaluating the Ecological, Economic and Cultural Services provided by Freshwater Fishes in Centra Kalimantan, Indonesia
  • The Debate surrounding Dam Destruction: A Review of the Searsville Dam of Stanford, California
Newsletters 2013

Cover of FFSG Newsletter March 2013

March 2013 (PDF 8.49 MB)

  • FFSG Programme Officer Temporary Personnel Change
  • FFSG Annual Meeting 2014
  • Introducing FFSG Regions: Southwest Asia
  • Iraqi Endemic Cave Fishes on the very Edge:  Typhlogarra widdowsoni and Caecocypris basimi
  • Positive Steps for Conservation of the Vendace (Coregonus albula), the UK’s rarest Freshwater Fish
  • From Sea to Source – An International Movement for the Restoration of Fish Migratory Highways
  • A European Hotspot Biodiversity – from CR to Extinct in the Wild
  • Freshwater Fish Assessments planned for Peru

Front cover of FFSG Newsletter June 2013

June 2013 (PDF 2 MB)

  • Message from the FFSG Global Chair
  • Save the Date: FFSG Annual Meeting 2014
  • WANTED: High Quality Images for FFSG Website
  • Bridging the Gap: Engaging the Public in Freshwater Fish Conservation
  • Introducing FFSG Regions: Southern Africa
  • Fiji Freshwater Fish graces new 1—Dollar Bill: Bringing Freshwater Fish into the Popular Consciousness
  • Activities of the South Asia Office of the Freshwater Fish Specialist Group (September 2012 to April 2013)
  • Towards an “Exotic Fish” free Periyar Tiger Reserve
  • New Fish Species described in 2012-2013 from South Asia
  • First Comprehensive Red List  Workshop for all Freshwater Fishes of the Middle East
  • Kinabatangan River Spirit Initiative, Malaysia

Cover of FSG Newsletter - October 2013

October 2013 (PDF 3 MB)

  • Message from the FFSG Global Chair
  • Thank you to Gordon McGregor Reid: A Colleague, a Leader, a Friend
  • Online now: New FFSG Website
  • Clarifying the IUCN Red List Review Process for Freshwater Fishes
  • Introducing the FFSG European Region
  • IUCN Red List Workshop for Freshwater Eels
  • Queensland’s Endangered Gobies
  • Conservation of Threatened Endemic Fish Species of the Cape Floristic Region Biodiversity Hotspot
  • Drafting IUCN Red List Assessments for Iranian Freshwater Fishes
  • World Fish Migration Day 2014
Newsletters 2012

July 2012 (PDF 693 KB)

  • Freshwater Fish Specialist Group Meeting
  • Freshwater Fish Specialist Group represented at IUCN SS Chairs’ meeting
  • Second Workshop for Evaluation of Extinction Risk of Brazilian Freshwater Fishes
  • IUCN Anguillid Specialist Sub-Group
  • Welcome and Goodbye

Front cover of FFSG Newsletter December 2012

December 2012 (PDF 1.14 MB)

  • The IUCN World Conservation Congress: End of 2009-2012 Quadrennium
  • Beginning of New Quadrennium 2013-1016: Appointment of New Regional Chairs
  • Introducing FFSG Regions: South Asia
  • An Award for a Distinguished FFSG Member : Prof Paul Skelton
  • Priceless or Worthless includes Five Freshwater Fish!
  • Tiny Fish, Big Trouble: Australia’s Red-finned Blue-eye battles for Survival
  • Historic Meeting held on the Danube Salmon (Hucho hucho): The Largest Salmon in the World
  • Reintroduction of the European Catfish (Silurus glanis)
Newsletters 2008
Front cover of Newsletter 1, May 2008

May 2008 (PDF 159 KB)

  • First FFSG Programme Officer
  • Report of the 2008 Annual FFSG meeting
  • Plans for FFSG Website
  • FFSG image library
  • Gordon dives with sharks!
  • Launch of WWF / Nature Conservancy Freshwater Ecoregions of the World
  • International Conference “Managing Alien Species for Sustainable Development of Aquaculture and Fisheries
  • Future FFSG newsletter contributions

Cover of FFSG Newsletter 2, Jlu 2008

July 2008 (PDF 397 KB)

  • Assessment of freshwater fish diversity and ecology: Azerbaijan-Russian joint expedition 2008
  • Central African freshwater fish biodiversity workshop
  • Cryopreservation and cryo-banking of somatic cells, gametes and embryos of fish
  • In the news – British angler catches rare giant freshwater stingray
  • Waternetwork – a contact tool for water professionals
  • Expo2008 – the World’s biggest water festival