Annual Reports

First page of the 2023 FFSG Annual Report

2023 FFSG Annual Report

  • Projected Impact 2021 – 2025
  • Targets 2021 – 2025
  • Activities and Results 2023
  • Summary of Achievements
Cover of FFSG 2021 Annual Report

2021 FFSG Annual Report

  • Projected Impact 2021 – 2025
  • Targets 2021 – 2025
  • Plans
  • Communications
  • Activities and Results 2021
  • Communications
Cover of 2016-17 Annual Report

2016-17 Annual Report

  • Main Activities by Key Priority Area (2016 & 2017)
  • Communications
  • Conservation Action
Front cover of the FFSG 2015 Annuarl Report - Three shelves of fish tanks in a steel building with a concrete floor. Three people are present - two men are taking photographs of the fish in the tanks, and a woman has a clip board and is writing something.

2015 FFSG Annual Report

  • Global Chair’s Message – Richard Sneider
  • Highlights from Regional Areas
  • Global Freshwater Fish BioBlitz
  • Word Fish Migration Day and Platform
  • Blueprint for Freshwater Life
  • Home Aquarium Fish Subgroup
  • IUCN-SSC Leaders Meeting, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 12-18 September 2015 – Report
  • Publications
  • Red List News
  • Plans for the Future
Cover of the 2014 FFSG Annuarl Report - a boy gazes in wonder at a fish in his hands

2014 FFSG Annual Report

  • Global Chair’s Message – Richard Sneider
  • Highlights from Regional Areas
  • Global Freshwater Fish BioBlitz
  • World Fish Migration Day 2014
  • Sixth World Parks Congress, Sydney, Australia, Nov 12-19, 2014 -Report
  • Red List News
  • Plans for the Future